Friday, February 28, 2020

How to save on workers’ Compensation for Contractors in Sunnyvale

Due to extreme and dangerous conditions builders work in, workers’ Compensation is relatively more expensive for the Contractors in Sunnyvale. If you don’t know what workers’ compensation is, it is liability insurance for the employees, a kind of financial reimbursement in case of a work-related injury or even death of the employee. There are some ways by which you can save at least some money on workers’ compensation.

Safety programs:

Investing in safety programs for your workers can save you a lot more in terms of compensation. Training programs, safety equipment, and improved technology can help you avoid any unfortunate events during work and you will be paying a lot less than regular workers’ compensation. Provide your workers with protective gear on construction sites such as gloves, goggles, helmets, and shock-absorbing uniforms. It might seem like an unnecessary expense to some cheap contractor firms but a responsible company will take care of its employees as it’s not just about saving money, compassion is also important in any business.

Fewer workers’ compensation claims:

Fewer workers’ compensation claims mean a good rapport with your company. Many contractors in Sunnyvale do not understand the importance of the credibility of a business. Contractors who file more workers’ compensation claims have to pay a much higher rate than those who have fewer claims. Investigating a claim before filing with the government is crucial. The builder should invest in surveillance equipment on the construction sites and in offices. Note the reporting time by the employee and the nature of the incident before officially filing the claim. There have been cases where employees falsely reported an incident and the building company filed the claim without investigating internally first. Later on, authorities found out the foul play, these incidents damage rapport of business with insurance company and Govt.

Classify workforce and desk employees properly:

Some companies pay a lot of money for workers’ compensation without realizing that they’re paying the same rate for laborers (high-risk employees with expensive comp) and desk employees (low-risk employees with lower comp rates). If you classify and maintain an accurate record of all the employees, you’ll be surprised to see how much money you’ll be saving. Labors and on-site workers are at a higher risk due to the physical nature of the work and how many dangers they’re exposed to.

All contractors must get workers’ compensation for their employees, as it is not about money but basic human decency. Have compassion and think of your employees as your biggest asset. If you’re planning to work for a construction company Breakthrough Builders are one of the experienced and licensed companies who believe in taking care of their employees.